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No Need to Fear


No Need to Fear

God, abounding in steadfast love, wants to welcome us home, not punish us. Lent is the season in the church year when we look into our hearts to see how we have wandered away from God’s path. Lent is a good time to pay special attention to the words and actions of Jesus who has revealed to us the human face of God. So we pray together as a family this Lent. Not out of the fear of God’s punishment, but because we have faith that we will grow closer to God and to one another as a result.

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the season of Lent which is made up of the forty days (excluding Sundays) leading us to Easter. It is a season of repentance, self examination and preparation during which we try to make ourselves ready for the journey to the cross.

Easter is also a time to reflect with increased understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. It is a time to renew the bows of baptism and recommit to the Christian life. Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, our lives can be renewed. We can also renounce sin and begin to live for God. As we grow in even deeper trust in the saving love of Jesus, fear loses its hold on our hearts, and we become more confident, more forgiving, and more compassionate people.

The Journey Begins!

Rev. Coy


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