Love is a choice, not a matter of destiny. It is a choice renewed each day!
-Dean Francis Alfar
We are starting into our journey of Lent. Lent is definitely a journey but as humans I sometime get the feeling that we work towards the completion of Lent rather than working on the journey through Lent to change our lives. Jesus’ life was predetermined. He knew what his purpose was and what his end would be. Unfortunately we as humans did not surprise Him. Yet it was the fulfillment of His life that made the difference. It was not only what we were to be given in the end that mattered, as miraculous as that is, it was the journey of lessons He was giving us that mattered so much but sometimes goes right by us. It was the change in our lives He was trying to achieve! As He walked among us we had a chance to see and believe. Now it can be a bit harder because we need to believe to see. We have a forty day journey to remind us to work on us. Even though the journey is about what God has done for us, it can be a preparation for what we can do to honor what has been given to us through grace alone .
Our tradition is usually to give up something for lent. In the end we just replace whatever we gave up with something else. Giving up is teaching us self-control. Maybe it would be better to try to take on something to honor God. Usually if you are taking on something else in your life daily you end up giving up something to fit it in so same end result. But in the long run it changes your life? Have you ever thought about adding something into your life for positive changes? Reading the bible daily, going for a walk or an exercise program, or start back to church. Buy someone a cup of coffee when they need it. Joyce and I love the pay it forward where you pay for the person behind you in line at Duncan Donut or in any fast food drive thru. You are gone before they can thank you. We have had this done to us, the feeling it gives you is wonderful. Remember lent is about God and a chance to get your heart in shape before Easter. The part we all play is to get us in practice for God honoring habits along the way.
If you feel the need to give up something go ahead. I always laugh when I think of my wife Joyce. She does not eat sweets, they don’t agree with her and she has been a vegetarian since 1995. For her to give up any more food would mean she would have only water left! She has always lived by doing things to make herself better tomorrow than she was today. Whatever you end up doing I hope it helps you to find your way closer to God and the Gospel this Lenten season as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is waiting for us if we make the journey day by day to prepare our hearts for Him.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Walter Coy