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Do You Hear Him?

I found this little story back in 2015.  I tried to find it again so I could give credit, but I guess it is too old to find it and I don’t even remember what book I could have gotten it out of. Regardless it was good back then and it is still good to hear...

       The man whispered, GOD SPEAK TO ME, and a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So, the man yelled GOD SPEAK TO ME, and the thunder rolled across the sky. The man did not listen. The man looked around and said GOD LET ME SEE YOU and the sun shined brightly. But the man did not see. The man shouted, God SHOW ME A MIRACLE and a life was born, but the man did not notice. So, the man cried out in despair TOUCH ME GOD AND LET ME KNOW YOU ARE HERE.  Whereupon God sent the touch of a gentle butterfly, but the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on. This is a great reminder that God is always around us in the little and simple things we take for granted every day.

       God never pulls away from us. We put Him away from us in our thoughts and actions. We think He cannot see what we do, good or bad, or hear what we think or say.  He is all around us hoping we will make the right decisions, applauding when we do and crying when we don’t. He gives us ALL of Himself, how much do you give to Him. We want things done in our way, and our time.  It does not work that way.

        He gives us the beautiful sunrise. Have you noticed? He gives us the beautiful sunset. Have you seen it, really seen it? The beautiful flowers, budding trees, green grass, our homes, family, and yes even a church to come fall on our knees in. Both our joys and sorrows come as either blessings or lessons. How do you appreciate one without the other? God is there through it all. Always by our side unless we have pushed him aside. But He still waits and longs for each of us.

       With all these signs of God that go unnoticed I want to add one other thought. Don’t miss out on a blessing or a message just because just because it isn’t packaged the way you expect it to be.  Please know that God is there for you and loves you.  Come back to Him. Take time to notice and count all the blessings around you today! One big blessing is coming this month, by the way, thank you to all the mother’s past and present. Another reminder sent by GOD!


                                                God’s Blessings to all,

                                                        Rev. Walter Coy

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