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Answered Prayers


I came across this Young Man’s Story about Answered Prayers. (From the Sunrise Chapel)

          A young man had been to a Wednesday night Bible Study.  The Pastor leading the study talked about listening to God and obeying the Lord’s voice. After the study, a group went out for coffee together, and discussed the message.  As he got in his car to drive home, he began to pray,” God if you still speak to people speak to me. I will listen.”  As he drove down the main street of his town, he had the strangest feeling of stopping and buying a gallon of milk.  He wondered if this was God speaking to him.  He tried to dismiss this feeling but couldn’t. In case it was God speaking to him, he went ahead and bought the milk.  He figured he could use the milk anyway. He continued his drive home when he had a feeling, he was being told to turn down this certain street. He thought it was crazy but did it anyway.  Then he felt he was being told to stop at this certain address. It looked dark in the home like everyone was sleeping. But still this inner voice was so strong, so he approached the door with the milk.  He went to knock and decided it was craziness and started back to his car. He returned to the door and knocked, and a loud voice yelled “who is it and what do you want?” He handed the milk to the man who in turn ran down the hall with the milk. Out from a room at the end of the hallway came a woman carrying a baby. The man also came behind her crying.  The man said,” they had had some extra bills this month and did not have enough money left for milk for their baby.” The wife said, I asked God to send me an angel with some milk. Are you an angel, she asked the young man? “The young man reached in his wallet and pulled all the money he had on him and gave it to them.  He returned to his car in amazement knowing God still answers prayers.

           What do you think? Does God hear our prayers? Do you think He answers our prayers?  Do we even speak to Him?  Have you had the feeling that God is speaking to you? Do any of us have the faith to follow His instructions?  You won’t know unless you start praying and then listening and doing what He is asking. We can all be God’s angels.


            Enjoy the summer, but keep your ears open, God may be sending you on a mission about milk,     

Rev. Walter Coy

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