Well, we have made it through another year. I have written many newsletters. I sometimes wonder how many are read. I sometimes wonder if they have made a difference to anyone who has read them. I do hear from some recipients and am glad to hear they enjoyed the article and newsletter. Still l wonder, especially at this time of year, where we are headed. Where are all of you headed? We were given such a miraculous gift from God. The Christ Child. Other than at Christmas l wonder if anyone really thinks of Him. He may be more visible at this time of year, but our faith needs to be more in the unseen than what we see in pictures or read in scriptures. I look at the world around me, l hear comments from people l know and strangers about the direction of the world we live in. It has not happened quickly but slowly over many years. People say there is little value in important things because we don’t value important things or people. There is very little respect for important things or people. People mention how we treat each other, how everyone seems angry. People are out for themselves. The Christmas story is not just a story to be read on Christmas Eve, then the next morning wake up, open gifts, and go back to the way things were. It is a time to look at our lives and determine if we are truly happy with the way we act on a daily basis. To change the world, we need to take the first step and change who we are. Do what is right when we think no one is looking. Don’t fool yourself someone is always looking. More importantly, God is always watching. We can’t fool God he knows who we are and what is in our heart. This December, this month, let's start on a journey of our own. It is as important as Mary and Joseph's journey thousands of years ago. That journey ended in the delivery of the Son of God to each of us. This month our lives and our souls depend on the chance we are being given, again, to give our lives to Jesus. Only then can we change our lives on earth, and our eternal life, eventually, with God in heaven. This year let’s begin the new year with a promise instead of a resolution. A promise to make the world a better place. A promise to make our lives more rooted in Jesus Christ. One person, one action, at a time. It begins with you and me. Have a blessed Christmas and hold the Christ child in your heart all year long.
Many Blessings,
Rev. Walter Coy